A poor sleeper with breathing issues reviewed SoeMac for us, here's what she said — SoeMac Health

A poor sleeper with breathing issues reviewed SoeMac for us, here's what she said

Guest review by The Mature Times, Summer 2016

I plugged the neat little silver box into the socket, positioned it on my bedside locker and turned it on. That was the hardest part. The small inset button has to be held down for at least 5 seconds before it activates with a rest light and a very low hum. My fingers were struggling to depress the switch which should be bigger.

It took a few days to notice any benefits and to be honest my sleep was not improved but I think I have to accept that I shall never sleep all night any night. However, the best effect was that having used it now for several weeks,  my husband has stopped snoring almost completely.

We have both noticed that our breathing is easier. On this recommendation I suggested that a colleague who has severe snoring problems, try the SoeMac, and he has reported a great improvement. In fact, when I asked for it back he advised that his wife would not let it go.

So while it has not solved all my sleep problems it has certainly made a huge difference and on the snoring relief alone this has to be worth the money.

Costing £419.00 per unit, it may seem expensive but sleep is so important. The price includes the SoeMac machine and three extra filters, It also includes VAT (at 20%), UK delivery, a 30-day money back guarantee, and a 2-year parts warranty.

Everyone is different so it varies from person to person, however you should start to feel the benefit within two to three weeks. We’re very confident it will work and offer a money back guarantee if you don’t feel any benefits after the first four weeks of use.

Read the full article here http://ow.ly/3XQm3031CE6

Image courtesy of the Mature Times.