What is the science
SoeMac is a non-invasive product that can help people with a wide range of breathing, sleep, energy and health problems.
What is it?
SoeMac can help to relax the lungs and the cardio-vascular system, and improve the body’s utilisation of oxygen by changing it into a more energised form, which is more readily usable by the body. At the cellular level, the body then uses this extra energy to more effectively do its jobs, and produce more ATP, Adenosine Tri-Phosphate, the body’s energy currency.
It’s completely natural and works without any drugs. The body is more able to use the Oxygen Energy which can help us to carry out important repair work, including detoxification and rejuvenation at the cellular level. This can result in a more restorative deep sleep, reduced feelings of fatigue, and increased energy and concentration levels during the day.
How do you use it?
The SoeMac device is sleek and small - you simply plug-in and switch on, and run every night in your bedroom, near to where you sleep. It runs quietly, and with a soft red light glow, gently blowing Oxygen Energy into the surrounding ambient air. All you have to do is breathe in the ambient air. It is non-invasive, and no mask or cannula is required.
The SoeMac is the world’s first and only home use Singlet Oxygen Energy device. Until now, this Oxygen Energy therapy has only been available to users by means of very expensive, large machines, which rely on the use of a nasal cannula, or mask, to deliver the Oxygen Energy to the user.
SoeMac makes it possible to deliver the health benefits of Oxygen Energy therapy that have previously only been available from medical centres and clinics for the last 20 years. It is much more affordable, and really easy to use, in your home, as part of your daily life.
How SoeMac works
SoeMac is a home-use device that has been proven to produce Singlet Oxygen Energy, or SOE, in tests with the University of Leicester and Nottingham Trent University. This is a natural extra energy that combines with the existing oxygen in the air, and works better within the human body than the normal un-energised oxygen.
SoeMac works by producing (SOE) Oxygen Energy, a naturally occurring energy, which helps to relax the lungs, allowing them to do their work more efficiently, which increases the body’s tissue oxygenation, and enables the cells to work more effectively.
Is it natural?
The Oxygen Energy is completely natural; it’s what is produced when sunlight hits the chlorophyll in plants and the chemical reaction photosynthesis takes place to release energy. Because of its high energy state, SOE is used in many of the body’s processes to speed things up, which is why it’s often described as a natural source of extra energy.
SoeMac can help to improve our usual breathing, by helping to relax the lungs, take deeper breaths, aid removal of excess mucus, assist the gaseous interchange from the lungs into the blood stream, and vice versa; it helps with both oxygen in, and carbon dioxide out.
When we breathe, our lungs move oxygen into the bloodstream, and as blood flows around the body, the oxygen is carried to the cells, which use it as part of the process of producing our body’s energy, known as ATP. This is used for all sorts of activities and bodily functions. ATP provides the energy we need to see, use our muscles, and work our brains during simple and complex mental tasks. Without it we wouldn’t be alive.
Our bodies are usually good at self-regulating this process to make sure that each function has sufficient oxygen and ATP energy. Sometimes, our body is less able to do this for us, and the natural availability of this precious energy is reduced, so our body has to work even harder to carry out important functions.
In a wide range of health conditions, this can result in low energy, the experience of pain, poor cognitive functions, and numerous breathing difficulties, which can become a vicious circle, prolonged over time. Being tired often makes you feel even more tired, which only perpetuates the problem. It can also reduce the body’s natural ability to detox itself, and the immune system, which can further impact on the symptoms of tiredness, low energy, and poor mental focus.
Boost your energy
SoeMac can help to increase the availability of oxygen at the cellular level. When it is breathed in, it is has more energy and works faster than normal oxygen. Breathing in Oxygen Energy as you sleep can help the body to restore and rejuvenate itself better, and help to increase the energy cycle many people aspire to, waking yp refreshed and ready for the day ahead.
science bit
SoeMac draws normal ambient air inside and passes it through an internal catalyst unit. This consists of LED’s set at a specific wavelength, and a photo-sensitiser. Together, they create a gentle low-level red light, and a very mild whirring sound.
As it works, the molecules inside of the photo-sensitiser become excited, and when the airborne oxygen from the ambient air passes across their surfaces, the excitation energy is passed to the oxygen molecules, briefly changing their molecular structure from their usual stable state, to a higher energy state, known as Singlet Oxygen Energy, or SOE. After passing through the SoeMac, the oxygen molecules immediately revert to their normal passive state, but retain this extra energy in their molecular bonds. It is this extra energy, combined with the oxygen molecules, that is so welcomed by the body.
The SoeMac does not make oxygen, like an oxygen concentrator does in traditional oxygen therapy. What it does do is make an Oxygen Energy, that enables the body to get more of the available oxygen to the cellular level. Research continues as to the precise mechanism of this process.
Tests conducted by the Universities of Leicester, and Nottingham Trent, have confirmed that SoeMac produces
singlet oxygen energy. Click here to read more.
SoeMac has been shown through research, studies and hundreds of user testimonials, to be of benefit to Users, and completely safe to use. The first clinical trial was due to start in 2020, but was delayed by the Pandemic, and has not yet been rescheduled. The SoeMac is classed as a therapeutic product.
The technology dates back to 1987 when researchers Tony van der Valk and Jörg Klemm began developing Singlet Oxygen Therapy, focusing on inhalation therapy using catalyst chambers.
Since 2010, SOE Health has focused on researching the effects of SOE technology on people of all ages and all states of health in co-operation with universities and medical experts around the world.
Whilst it has not yet been proven to the clinical level, required by the Medical profession, there is so much evidence to show singlet oxygen energy does help Users. Research continues. We are working with leading Medics and Academics. SoeMac helps the following metrics :
Improved physical performance
Improved lung function
Improved blood oxygen levels
Reduced breathlessness
Reduced blood pressure
Improved sleep
Improved Quality of Life
As we progress the medical and academic work, we will share the results on this website.
History of SOE Inhalation Technology
The heart of our products is based upon technology originally conceived by Tony van der Valk and Jörg Klemm who began developing Singlet Oxygen Energy technology in 1987. They worked with a number of partners in different countries to manufacture and market products that mostly concentrated on inhalation therapy.
Over the years, a number of studies have been performed with products utilising activation chambers (catalysts) based on the original concepts, designed by Tony and Jörg.
Since 2010, SOE Health Ltd. prioritised the continuation of research into the effects of SOE technology on persons of all ages and states of health. In order to ensure factual accuracy and rigour, we have entered into co-operations with Universities and qualified medical personnel around the world.
The SoeMac does not make oxygen, like an oxygen concentrator does in traditional oxygen therapy. What it does do is make an Oxygen Energy, that enables the body to get more of the available oxygen to the cellular level. Research continues as to the precise bio-chemistry of this process.
We will be adding to the chronological list of events on the right as we publish our results and release new products.
Evolution Milestones
Project launch and begin of a cooperation with Tony van der Valk / Valkion.
First 100 singlet oxygen producing machines manufactured.
Cooperation with Merlin / Vitaion.
Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
Test and certification that patented catalysts designed and manufactured by Jörg Klemm produce singlet oxygen in a gaseous environment.
Fitness Clinic of Helsinki
Report: Some physiological effects of breathing singlet oxygen activated air. An experiment with ergospirometry.
Dr. Dr. sc. D. Cimbal, Germany
Evaluation in relation to the effects of SOE on racehorses.
Dr. Anders Willstedt
Beobachtungen an Patienten mit chronischem Fibromyalgie- syndrom.
Scandlab report 30414
Breathing of singlet oxygen activated air and the effect on blood parameters in healthy individuals.
Tetrum Investment
Report on clinical investigations of Singlet Oxygen Therapy Valkion Unit used in sanitarium practice at Chernobyl zone, Ukraine.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Report: Harmful Singlet Oxygen can be helpful.
Cooperation with nes AG (Airnergy). Contrary to recent information published by Airnergy AG, Jörg Klemm has no relationship with Airnergy AG, the products, research or manufacture of components.
Dr. E. Krämer, Troisdorf, Germany
Patient observation related to hypercholesterolemia.
Dr. J. Marrongelle, Schuykill Clinic for Integrative Medicine
Clinical evaluation related to the effects of SOE on Fibromyalgia.
Bericht über eine zweiteilige, kontrollierte Studie mittels Herzraten-Variabilitäts-Messungen (HRV) bezüglich der Wirksamkeit der Airnergy+-Sauerstoff-Therapie.
Concentrated Oxygen and activated air: the physiological effects of two inhalation therapies in comparison.
Die Naturheilkunde No. 2 / 2004
New air therapy sets benchmarks.
das schlafmagazin
Airnergy-Sauerstofftherapie im Test: Auswertung einer Patientenbeobachtung.
Begin of research into improving the existing technology and a cooperation with Links (HK) Ltd. to design new products and optimise manufacture.
Patents granted.
Establishment of SOE Health Ltd. with manufacturing facilities in the UK.
Research Summary
Below are links to our trials and research. All the links open in a new window.
2015 ME Research Study using the SoeMac
2013 University of Leicester SoeMac Final Report Summary
This report confirms that SoeMac produces singlet oxygen energy.
2013 Breath Easy Group Study on General Wellbeing
A summary document of a study confirming that SoeMac had a positive impact on sleep disorders within four weeks.
2010-2011 Erpenbach Walk Test Report
A small study confirming that SoeMac is beneficial to the physical performance of COPD sufferers.
2012 Erpenbach Walk Test Study Report
A small study confirming that SoeMac is beneficial to the physical performance of COPD sufferers.
2012 Erpenbach Walk Test Study Analysis
Numerical results of physical walking test on COPD sufferers