What has SoeMac helped people with?


Easier breathing

SoeMac has helped people with conditions such as COPD and Asthma to enjoy more relaxed breathing, with less “fighting for breath” so that their bodies can get more oxygen into their system, right down to the cellular level, where it is needed most, to give them more energy to go about their lives.


Better sleep

A good night’s sleep is essential for our physical and mental wellbeing. During periods of deep sleep our body carries out repair and regenerative work, and without this, there can be a downward spiral in our energy, focus, and ability to enjoy our lives. SoeMac will help with this.


More energy

SoeMac has helped people who experience fatigue, Long Covid, ME and CFS, especially when it’s severe and debilitating, to boost their energy levels during the day, and help them to feel a better sense of general wellbeing. This is achieved by increasing the cellular oxygenation and mitochondrial ATP energy production, which we all need to live our lives.