Dear Neil,
Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in letting you know how the SoeMac has been working for me. I am pleased to say, I have only good things to report.
It really is the most fantastic invention as it has helped my long-standing shortness of breath, particularly at night when it is completely eliminated.
For the first time I have full comfortable sleep throughout the night. When I wake up in the morning, I ache less. Possibly this is because of the good rest I am getting at night.
Now, I only get shortness of breath during the day when I cannot use the SoeMac. I wish there was a way that I could carry the SoeMac in my pocket to use during the day.
I highly recommend the SoeMac for anyone with shortness of breath.
I cannot thank you enough. Please feel free to use as little or as much of this email on your website as my review.
May God bless you.
Dr FK Abou-keer
SoeMac is proud to sponsor the British Lung Foundation. We make a donation to the BLF for every SoeMac we sell.