
SoeMac for breathing conditions

Our users tell us that they breathe more easily each night, and they can manage the impact on their lives each day better

Breathe. Sleep. Live. Better.

How SoeMac has helped people

SoeMac has helped with people's breathing whilst they are asleep at night. It’s designed to help people who have breathing, sleep and energy problems to breathe more freely so that they can get a better night’s sleep, and which many of our users have told us can help them live their lives.

Please note - some of our users find it can take a little longer than 30 days before they feel the full benefit of SoeMac. This is entirely normal.

Please read our testimonials below.

95% of COPD sufferers who are using SoeMac have told us that they see the following benefits:

  • Much like coughing it helps clear excess mucus from the lungs
  • Enables a deeper, more productive breathing pattern
  • Reduces the effort required to breathe
  • Provides a better quality of sleep
  • Reduces the number of nighttime wakings
  • Improving energy levels during the day, as a result of having had a better night's sleep

What people say


Andrew Norton

"Within 5 weeks I was out of bed and living a normal life again. My COPD is greatly improved"


Dennis Neville

"If you're living on oxygen, this mini machine will help greatly. A great addition for COPD people."

Roy Dempster

"My COPD was caused by smoking. After four weeks your machine has proved itself."


Louise O’Sullivan

"I've noticed my breathing has become
much better, and my COPD has improved."